Sunday, April 7, 2013

What's up with Bon Jovi?

Nothing, I guess.  Richie just decided he had some more important things to do this month and is home while Phil X is filling in for him on tour.

Here is Phil on April 5th, 2013 doing the Wanted solo:

Before you get all offended, it's JUST a song; Richie is FINE and that is more important.   

However, look at this from Jon's POV----point of view.  He is without his key guitarist and it didn't sound like Jon knew that first night back if Richie was showing up or not for Jon to say this:

"I had two choices - pack up and go home or give you everything I got," he told the crowd. "Richie Sambora won't be performing for a while. If there's ever a night I need you, it's tonight, Calgary." 

Once again, let me state:  There is nothing wrong!  No fighting, no one is sick, Sambora is not in rehab....just has personal business.

I digress though, I want to see Phil X playing guitar in Bon Jovi on this leg.  I've thought about Kansas City next Saturday.  

It is out of the question realistically, but at the same time....KC is 4 hours from me.  I could get there in time, no problem.

Does wanting to see Phil X play guitar mean I don't like Bon Jovi  as they have been for 30 years?  No it does not.  I think Phil X is one of the most exciting guitarists and I like him.  However, I do like JBJ a lot more and he is the #1 reason why I go to Bon Jovi concerts anyway.  *hence the name of the blog*  That is also why I want to see JBJ solo--change it up a bit do more cover songs and a different vibe of music.

Back to the topic though, which since I don't really have one....just winging it...let me state that this has once again drew a line with Bon Jovi fans.  You are either a fan of Richie or a fan of Jon.  Most fans have tunnel vision, they only know  that they don't want to see ANYONE sing or play guitar in Bon Jovi unless it is Richie.  I can see that to a point, but to constantly blame Jon is really stupid and since we don't know if anything was said between the 2, you really can't say--only speculate.  Still, to say that Jon is to blame is ignorant, unless you know the real reason and if you best not be caught by anyone in Bon Jovi or you will be kicked to the curb....just sayin'.

I was reading comments at and it's unreal--again.  Like their Facebook page when Richie went into rehab and how fans blamed Jon for all things bad going on in the world and going on the road without Richie, even though he was trying to save his life, it was still Jon's fault.  Well for those who are uneducated or need a recap--the name of the band is BON JOVI.  Jon's last name is BONGIOVI.  I know!  I know!  The spelling is not the same....some are so picky, however I do believe Jon can sign his name either way:  John Bongiovi or Jon Bon Jovi.  It also could be why one nickname for Jon is JBJ.  

I am trying to be fair here and give both sides the benefit of doubt.  It is hard though because when things like this happen, bands are never the same--look at the recently busted up Queensryche.  

So hang on there and soon, Phil X will be back at his house and Richie *should* be back in Bon Jovi at Jon's side and if not, well we will cross that bridge when we get to it.


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